Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Retro Gaming Quick Bite #1 : Sonic the Hedgehog

             Did you know that Sonic's 1-3 that were released in 1991-4  on have better physics than Sonic 4 released in 2013?...Sonic team... please quit smoking PCP

Quick Bite:
Sonic The Hedgehog 1-3
Since this is my first Quick Bite let me introduce you to the Concept. Quick bites will be fast paced reviews of multiple titles, usually games with little content or the first few Episodes of a tv let us start the reviews of these 1990s cult classic games.
Sonic the Hedgehog

                Through the 80s and early 90s the Fat Plumber and Megaman were among household names for us retro gamers. However, when Nintendo developed the high priced Super Nintendo a smaller company called Sega came out of the woodwork. Their mascot was a blue blur by the name of Sonic the Hedgehog, and they offered to bundle their console with the release of Sonic for a lower price than the Super Nintendo. This resulted in Nintendo losing many costumers and many gamers playing this Gem. Sonic was an incredibly original concept in the side scroller genre.

                 Quick Story, Dr. Robotnik, now known as Egg man, is a crazy doctor that feels the need to kidnap animals of the forest and turn them into robot weapons of destruction. Sonic, refuses to let that happen and has to go around the word and stop Egg man.

                Today, this game still has great controls and as I play it I can see how Sonic Team worked so hard at encoding the physics. If you run at full speed you go around a loop and it feels cool, if you are running too slow, you don't make it and Sonic falls. That seems simple and common sense but this was made in 1991, be surprised. The game is linear but there are different routes to get to your goal. The Music is great, if you watch the video, you can hear the fun catchy tunes of the game. The play through is challenging and very satisfying . Sonic the Hedgehog is...

Sonic the Hedgehog 2
                What happens when you take a great game, with a great hero, and give him a great side kick....You get Sonic 2. The story doesn't really change, Egg Man is back and Sonic has a follower. This title released in 1992. The graphics were ramped up and the developers gave Sonic a new move, the charge strike. The addition of the move allowed players to move a lot faster through the levels and also were very useful for some boss fights.
                 My real problem with this game was Tails. Tails looks great and the game has a very cool ability that allows you to plug in the second controller and take control of tails. When I was young, I always had my two Sega controls in so I could use Tails to fly Sonic to secret areas. But I saw a problem in this mechanic because it was very difficult if not impossible for two people to play together on the same screen because of Sonic's ridiculous speed.  The game makes up for its flaws with the ability to gather all the Chaos Emeralds and become Super Sonic... who is Super Sonic....
"This is Super Sonic"

                 The Level design is also great, the music is awesome as ever with the exception of one or two levels. I have a great time with this game and in some ways I like it more than part 1. However Tails is not only useless...he KILLS YOU ...Yes, any avid Sonic Gamer will tell you they may dropped their first F bomb in life when screaming "FUCK YOU TAILS!" and that really hurt my experience and I have to rate Sonic ....
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Knuckles

                      Sonic 3 and Knuckles is officially the complete Sonic 3 story and the best way to play through the game . There is a ton of content, and an alternate ending if you play through this game the right way with Sonic and Tales...So before I get into the game, I have to implore you that if you play Sonic 3, Play Sonic 3 and Knuckles together.
                     The story takes a more Cinematic turn of events. You see Sonic and Tails flying across the water. Sonic jumps off a plane and turns into Super Sonic and begins to glide across the water, Jet streams of water explode behind him as he glides to the land, Suddenly a Red Fellow by the name of Knuckles, the Echidna bursts out of the ground and knocks the Super out of Sonic..
               This opening scene is huge because Knuckles is like Sonic and when Sonic is in Super form he is supposed to be invincible. So the game introduces you to an enemy that can defeat an invincible Sonic. The game looks like your regular old Sonic game but as you beat the first level, you fight a sub boss for the first time in the series. After this, the forest is set on fire by a huge machine. As a child and even now, this scene with no  dialogue resonates with me, it was emotional. As you progress, Knuckles thwarts Sonic's attempts to progress and laughs in his face. At the end of the many challenging levels you officially fight Knuckles and the game makes it clear that he is villain and will kill Sonic if he could. The final fight is among one of the most exhilarating moments in retro gaming. I is challenging, it is cinematic, and after you defeat Egg Man, you feel like you really completed something. The mini games that give you the Chaos Emeralds are easier than Sonic 2...Unfortunately, TAILS IS EVEN DUMBER IN THESE GAMES.. That is my only issue with an other wise beautiful addition to gaming history. Sonic Team, come back, make something great because Sonic 3 and Knuckles was sooooo...
That was your Retro Quick Bite, comment follow, request do what you will
I am the Taste Bud Reviewer, taking a bite out of
your entertainment


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