Saturday, July 13, 2013

Pacific Rim Review

The Summer Movie Scene is the place for the 3 D's that actually make you buy a 3D Movie... Death, Destruction and Devastation. Guillermo Del Turo showed Very Clearly in The Hellboy Series that he loved the 3 D's and With "Pacific Rim" The 3D and the 3D's were ALL UP IN MAH FACE!

Pacific Rim Review 

Cast and Crew

              Pacific Rim Stars Monsters and Robots, let us move on... No but for real, we all know the real stars of this movie but for the sake of critical integrity let me inform you about the Cast and Crew. Pacific Rim is Direced by none other than Guillermo Del Turo. He is an extremely visual director that took a little heat for the Hell Boy Series, a series that I actually found quite enjoyable and fun for its purpose. That is the exact flow he brings to this movie. OUTSTANDING visuals and 3D, while being good for its purpose to entertain. The Cast lead is Charlie Hunnam, as Raleigh Becket, the Hot Headed Risk Taking pilot of The Jagger, Gypsy Danger. Charlie actually does a good job in the role. The role is very overused in movies but Hunnam manages to play the role fine and has a likability to him that you don't often see in actors that play the "hard ass that must grow to save the world role". He is supported by Idris Elba, and Rinko Kikuchi. Idris Elba is the General leading the Jagger Program he has a great back story that added so much depth to a supporting actor.  Rinko Kikuchi was also a delight to see on screen. I love watching a movie and not seeing much hollywood tropes used on characters. Kikuchi was a great female supporter and she was used to create an actual friend-like chemistry instead of a tired and overused vulnerable, romantic chemistry. While the best dialogue in the movie clearly belong to Idris Elba, I still have to say that the Cast and Crew of this film were quite Solid. 

The Story
                The Story is short and sweet, and that is one of the things I love about films like this. When you are going to create a super-in-your-face Action film, the story has to be very clear so that the audience doesn't feel out of place when all of the BIG action starts to hit. There is a portal to another in the Pacific ocean. The Portal is releasing these massive creatures that would make Godzilla crap all over himself. The Creatures attacked all over the world, wasting cities and killing millions. Humanity joined together, pulled all resources, and built large mechs and called them Jaggers (pronounced Yay-Gars) to fight back these masive beings. Now we have our summer action film of 2013. 

Overall Production 
                  So how does everything mesh? As you can see if you watched the featurette, Guillermo Del Turo admits that he is highly influenced by Anime. His influences are exactly what made this movie just HIT. The visuals are incredible. You actually feel the scale of these things and when they fight the Monsters, they make every blow count. The battles were so loud and intense that my girlfriend gripped my hand in some scenes. The Story is not AMAZING and you do leave the movie wanting more. I wouldn't say that wanting more is a bad thing. The 3D IMAX did not feel expensive with this movie I though the move was well worth the 3D. 


There is no need to draw this out anymore. Go see Pacific Rim, its...
