Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Oblivioun Movie Review

                  This movie should have been titled "Oblivious" instead. Tom Cruise was Oblivious to the tings that was happening around him. The Director was trying to keep you Oblivious and surprise you at the end...Actually,you do end up Oblivious...As to why you SAT THROUGH THIS WHOLE MOVIE!

Oblivion Review 

Cast and Crew

               Oblivion is directed by Joseph Kosinski the director of the legendary "Tron Legacy"...that was sarcasm. I have to say this director has a thing for vast emptiness and dark colors. Kosinski must have a fascination with sci-fi and I have to say he has a knack somewhere in his style. Eventually he will get it down and put out a sci-fi classic but Oblivion is not his career-making Gem. Tom Cruise plays Jack, Engineer 52. He is basically the only cast member worthy of discussing because this whole movie was his show. That is actually a good thing. I feel if the movie actually just kept the stupporting cast out of the picture more this would have been a great film. BUUUT the supporting cast are there...Morgan Freeman is Beech, he did good. Other people play other parts and I cannot discuss them without spoiling so let us move on :).

The Story 
              Jack, Engineer 52, is part of the clean up crew in a post apocalyptic Earth. Humanity was invaded and won, through the use of nuclear arms. It would be up to Jack to repair drones and explore the wastelands in various vehicles.However, Jack is a bit more intrigued with the land and less intrigued with his mission and starts digging. That is all I can tell you about the story . 

The Presentation 
              This movie is gorgeous. It looks like Jack is in a post apocalypse. One of the things that made me glad that I was watching this movie in the theaters was its stunning visuals. Tom Cruise is awesome in this movie. His act in Jack Reacher was commical to say the least but in this movie he put on his acting hat. So what is wrong with this movie that triggered my mean statement in my opening? The cast is great, the visuals are stunning, the story is actually very good, but Joseph Kosinski, your PRESENTATION sucks!!!

Take that Kosinski!!!!

              Ok...had to let off some steam, let us move on shall we.I had the same issues with "Tron Legacy" this director took a cool ass premise like: (A teen gets sucked into one of the most addictive arcade games in history) and turned it into a bunch of wannabe "Matrix" Wathefuckness!!! Here he takes a really cool story that should have been an instant classic and turned it into Boring  -------- bullshit. I had to censor myself because the use of the ------- genre made its way into this movie to become an unnecessary plot point!!! I'm a fan of ------- but that shit is out of the window in a world that is mostly Fallout 3 without the mutants. It was better when the ------- was between Jack and the planet he didn't want to abandon. 
             This movie takes a deep deep blow when it goes from actually intriguing to boring and the ending is a total cop out. Right after an ending  that you accept to expect after coping with the -------- bullshit the movie cops out and gives you a generic "Happily ever after" ending. I hate when a movie has everything going for it then a director tries to pull an M. Night Shammywammy on you . Forecast...M. Night sucks! he is a terrible director! There is no need to try to keep an audience guessing when you have a story with such an obvious ending. It will only piss us off an hour and  forty five minutes into the movie. 


                 The story and the dedication my Tom Cruise and his supporting cast followed by these amazing visuals are proof that this movie deserves a better rating. I can actually see how some readers may get upset at my rating and argue that this movie was great. I have no problem with long movies but when a movie makes me think that I was watching it for three hours when in fact, I was watching it for two hours and five minutes then something is not right. When the action hit, it hit. When the drama weighs down, it was a little heavy. Yet, entertainment prevails and I was thoroughly bored during some of this film . With some better editing this movie could easily be about 20 to 30 minutes shorter and be a ton more entertaining. So I have to say I had my fill well before the third act. Oblivious was as Fattening and Bland as a Gallon of mushy rice!

Bland and Fattening 
(needs more seasoning and too Damn Much!!!)

Quick Trivia
For the readers who had a chance to sit through the movie. When I mentioned -------- bullshit, what was I talking about? What genre doesn't belong in this
film? First guess gets an honorable mention in a post.


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